The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 11: The Meaning of a Bench
July 14, 2022 By Birgitta Jansen In May 2021, a bench appeared on Sunflower Hill. A dedication plaque fastened to the back said, “In...

Call for Directors
The Kimberley Nature Park is the largest municipal park in British Columbia. Its 800 hectares (2,000 acres) are home to over 500 species...

The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 10: Flowers and Pollinators
June 30, 2022 By Birgitta Jansen One more Chronicles from June — yes, still catching up! Around mid-June, when I ambled up the Sunflower...

The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 9: Observations, Flowers, and Invasives
June 24, 2022 By Birgitta Jansen The current of life with its many twists and turns has a way of interfering with our intentions and Time...