Trail Work 2017
The Kimberley Nature Park Society once again took an active role in managing the park’s trails. A subcommittee formed in the spring made decisions about priorities for the season, including ongoing maintenance and two bigger trail-building projects, and a hearty group of volunteers once again chipped in to do the work.
The usual spring maintenance included raking trails and pruning shrubs and tree branches. About 10 km of trail saw upkeep, mostly at the north end of the park. A work party also did some maintenance on Campground Trail to better drain it and eliminate some of the “V-ing” of the trail bed.

Raking the new connector from Eimer's Lake to the ridge above.
The two bigger projects for the season involved building new trails. The old Eimer’s Ridge Connector went straight up from the lake to the ridge and was loose and dangerous in snowy conditions. This trail was completely rerouted to be more sustainable, zig-zagging its way up to the ridge. This trail and the Eimer’s Lake Loop Trail are not intended for bike use, as the ecosystem is fragile. To reinforce this policy, a set of narrow stairs will be placed at the bottom of the new connector and a sharp, non-rideable switchback will be put in at the top. Walkers must also do their job by not shortcutting the switchback turns.

The new trail from Upper Army to Romantic Ridge takes shape.
The other large project is a new trail being built from the bottom of Sidecut Trail to the north end of Romantic Ridge Trail. This trail is intended to keep some traffic out of the more sensitive areas of Cabin Trail and to provide a better way for riders, runners and walkers to skirt the edge of the park and head toward the Nordic Centre trails from the Swan Entrance without a lot of ups and downs or a long route through Myrtle Junction. When combined with an extension from Romantic Ridge to Patterson Ridge, this should have the pleasant effect of giving riders an option other than going through the Trickle Creek Golf course.

Volunteers at work!
With the extreme heat and dryness it was a tough year for the trails – and for those who help look after them. We sincerely thank these volunteers for their efforts. It is worth noting that a dedicated group of about 10 individuals do the vast majority of the trail work, including clearing trees. Without this volunteerism, the trails in the park would not be nearly as well maintained. Thanks again!