April Natural History in the Kimberley Nature Park
By Emma Bourassa
On Saturday, April 23, a small group headed to walk the Hoodoo View Loop. It was a beautiful, calm, sunny morning as the four of us left the parking lot, and our decisions to wear warm jackets and gloves were correct. Spring flowers and the arrow-shaped leaves of the soopolallie bush were the first signs of the new season. Bright spring green is showing up in some places, and we were greeted with flocks of very vocal birds.

While we couldn't identify all of the new greenery as the flowers were not out yet, we saw or heard 21 species of birds, including a ruffed grouse drumming its wings in mating mode. A debate about whether we had also heard a sapsucker species tapping would bring our species count to 22.

We also stopped to explore lichens and the recent logging, and took a few photos to submit for the KNP Photo Scavenger Hunt. We finished the walk with a much warmer temperature and a full parking lot. It was an educational, leisurely time.