Update: The Survey Results Are In!

Earlier in the year, the Kimberley Nature Park Society (KNPS) reached out to the community and stakeholders to request feedback on a number of topics related to use of the Kimberley Nature Park. KNPS undertook the engagement exercise as part of an intensive strategic planning project supported by the Columbia Basin Trust Not-for-Profit Advisory Program to guide our activities for the next three years (2024-2027) and beyond.
The engagement exercise included the following:
Public survey
Member survey
Director survey
Meetings with representatives of the following stakeholders:
Kimberley Nordic Club (KNC)
Kimberley Trails Society (KTS)
City of Kimberley
Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC)
All three surveys and the question framework for stakeholder meetings were developed in consultation with KNPS’s Strategic Planning Committee members. The public survey was promoted via a media release distributed to the Kimberley Bulletin and e-KNOW, social media posts on Facebook, and was available on the KNPS website. The member survey was distributed directly to members via email, as well as being available on Facebook and on the KNPS website.
All surveys were live from March 7 to March 24 (17 days). Survey response rates were as follows:
Public survey: 280 (approx. 4% of Kimberley’s population over age 15)
Member survey: 91
Director survey: 13
The information collected through the surveys and stakeholder interviews was synthesized for a strategic planning workshop led by a consultant during a two-day session June 14 and 15th, 2024. The workshops culminated in a report that was finalized in August.
The KNPS is grateful to all who participated in the engagement activities, and what we heard has highlighted key areas of focus that we hope will help us improve the inherent value of the park for all users. We are pleased to share the final report for information: https://bit.ly/KNPSstratplan.
The following is a summary of the key report elements:
Our Vision: Gateway to Nature
Our Mission: We promote a setting for respect, understanding, and enjoyment of nature.
Three pillars support our mission: Conservation, Education, Recreation
Our Values:
Environmental Stewardship and Conservation
Collaboration and Partnership
Integrity and Transparency
Innovation and Forward-thinking
Community Engagement and Inclusion
Our Short-term Goals (by strategic area of focus):
Strengthen Governance
GOAL: Establish clear and transparent governance structures, policies, and processes
Conservation and Management
GOAL: Manage the Kimberley Nature Park to maintain and, where possible, restore environmental and ecological values, while supporting the Park’s education and recreation goals.
Community Presence, Communications, and Education
GOAL: The community understands, supports, and shares in the conservation and management of the Kimberley Nature Park
Build Organizational Capacity and Resources
GOAL: Enhance our capacity to protect and steward the Kimberley Nature Park.
The remainder of 2024 will focus on key activities tied to these goals including hiring and onboarding a staff Operations Manager, streamlining our Management Plan, defining a roadmap for strengthening our governance, establishing an inventory of the park assets and infrastructure to identify gaps and lay the groundwork for 2025 maintenance planning, and preparing for the AGM on January 23, 2025. We look forward to working with our members and stakeholders over the coming years.
If you have any questions or would like to become a member or sponsor of the Kimberley Nature Park Society, we would love to hear from you at kimberleynaturepark@gmail.com.