You're Invited to the KNPS Annual General Meeting

On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 7pm at the Elks Club in Kimberley, the Board of Directors will be holding the society’s Annual General Meeting. You are cordially invited, and we hope that you will take time to join the meeting and help to elect and establish the Board of Directors for the 2024 operational year.
The evening will include a short business meeting to approve the year-end financial statement and confirm and elect the Board of Directors, a short review by the President of the societies activities during the past year including our new Trail Guide and logo, and goals for the coming year, and questions and answers from the membership.
This year we have invited wildlife ecologist, Ian Adams, who will speak on Biodiversity: the significance, the assessment, and climate change. His talk will be followed by refreshments and snacks from Burrito Grill for an informal mixer to get to know our directors and fellow members.
Call for Nominations to the Board. We have capped our board at 13. Nine of the current directors will be standing for re-election, and four positions are vacant. If you would like to nominate someone to stand for election to the board, kindly send their name and contact information to Nominations sent electronically will be accepted up until one week before the AGM. The candidate and the person who nominates must be KNPS members in good standing. Nominations will be accepted in-person at the AGM. New candidates will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves at the meeting.
Desired profile of a KNPS board member:
capable of attending monthly meetings
willing to read board documents and respond to emails when required
willing and capable of being an active board member, i.e. chair and participate on committees, volunteer for hands-on work outside of meetings
Estimated time commitment: 6 hours per month.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!
The evening will also feature door prizes generously donated by these local businesses--thank you!