2015 Hand Treatments
It has taken some time but we are now moving ahead with new fuel treatments in the Park. The initial call for proposals resulted in a number of tenders that were over budget but thanks to the folks at the UBCM Community Wildfire Protection program the City of Kimberley now has enough funds to proceed. Three areas of the Park totaling just over 41 hectares will be hand treated this summer. (see maps below). Small conifers and wood debris will be diced up with chainsaws and piled for burning later in the fall. Work has already started along Duck Pond Trail and Myrtle Mountain and will begin later in the summer along Ponderosa Trail and Patterson Ridge. Warning signs are in place and the chainsaws are running in early June.

A worker finishes building a burn pile near Duck Pond Trail. EndFragment

This is the treatment area along Ponderosa Trail and Patterson Ridge.

The Myrtle Mountain treatment area in green.

The Duck Pond treatment area in red.