New Logging Plan Dismays KNPS (April 2007)
Representatives of Tembec recently visited City Council on March 28th to notify them of changes in the Nature Park logging plan. They asked Council not to invite KNPS reps to the meeting. Two weeks later, a delegation from the KNPS met with Tembec and learned first-hand about the proposed changes. They include the deletion of some areas from logging (not a bad thing), the addition of 14 landings in the Park and a reduction in the number of mature leave trees from 200 to 75. The Nature Park Society Executive has considered the changes and will be opposing the plan. Below is a map that Tembec gave us, with the legend below it. We are also posting several pages of the notes we took at the Tembec meeting. You can read them in .pdf format, here.

This Tembec map outlines areas to be logged and volumes of timber that are available.

The colours on the legend correspond to areas on the map above.